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BFA Grant

Discover New Opportunities:

In addition to financial support, our scholarships also offer the opportunity for professional advice, networking, and further training through workshops. Our goal is to maintain sustainable funding for the opportunities we provide.

The scholarships serve to support talented (doctoral) students and pupils who have excellent performance in their studies.

Reach Your Goals with the BFA Scholarship:

The grants we receive enable us to concentrate fully on academic research and school education.

With the right connections, candidates can create a network of scientists and thus lay a strong foundation for their careers. 

BFA Mentor Program:

In addition to the financial support, the scholarships offer many advantages when it comes to targeted and systematic support and development of young people .

The mentor program is an accompanying element of the scholarship and is supported by cooperating partners from the science industry. The mentors rely on a transfer of knowledge, personality development, exchange of experiences, self-reflection and a forward-looking contact mediation.

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